Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Silent Meditation

Last night I was making dinner and wondering what I would write about today. I thought if God was trying to speak to me right this minute, would I hear him? Not that I was feeling closed off to God's message, but if He had something to tell me, He was going to have to speak up to be heard over the noise in my house. See, my husband and I have attention deficit disorder. When we need to concentrate on a task it often helps to play loud music. It helps our brains to have a constant barrage of low level information (the music) so we can focus on a high level task without getting distracted. My husband was busy finishing up his work for the day. He works from home. I was making dinner and watching our son play. Our son was very excitedly banging on the pots I wasn't using to make dinner. It was LOUD in our house. So I thought: Thank you Lord for this Joyful Noise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Regina,

I am really enjoying reading your blogs. You have a very interesting style. What a privilege for a young mother to be listening to what God may be saying in the midst of family noise and business. I wish some one had challenged me along these lines when I was a young mum! You are already an encouragemnt to me! Blessings, Maureen